Now that looks like the start of a new relationship!

Next week

The heartwarming reunion between Dwaas and his father continues…

Happy New Year, everyone!

On a global scale, the world seems to grow more chaotic every year. To find some balance, I’ve increasingly turned my focus inward, finding joy and purpose in my own little corner of the world.

The first half of the year was challenging—too much to do, too little time. Foolish Bricks, along with my other hobbies, unfortunately took a back seat. Eventually, I had to make some choices to carve out time for rest and to rediscover my creative spark.

With that extra time, I dove back into reading. Not just novels, but books on lighting, cinematography, and most importantly, storytelling. I also watched plenty of movies and series, letting inspiration slowly creep back in. And then, in the final months of the year, the creative energy finally returned in full force!

Foolish Bricks now has a consistent release schedule, upcoming episodes are ready to go, and the story is fully scripted through to the season’s conclusion. I’ve also built the necessary sets for the grand finale and upgraded my studio gear with new lighting, rigging, and accessories to make shooting smoother.

Looking ahead, my biggest goal is to start an entirely new story on August 13th. Alongside that, I plan to revive a monthly newsletter by the end of this month and hopefully post more regularly on the blog. Fingers crossed these plans stick!

On the camera front, I’ve also made a significant decision. I’ve always been a loyal Pentaxian, now using a K1-DSLR since it was released about 8 years ago. However, with my camera showing its age and no clear signs of an interesting new Pentax release, I’ve finally decided to take the leap and switch to a Sony ecosystem. Here’s hoping it proves to be an exciting upgrade!

New Year, New Adventures—Let’s go! Here’s to an amazing year ahead. 


Brick photography - Dwaas walking into store

A man walks into the store

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