2-051 City council meeting
Yeah, sounds interesting!
New scene, new stage
New scene, new stage. I had some trouble with this stage. I didn’t want to use too much bricks, so I used a lot of windows. One the one hand I think large windows and a light conference room in city-hall fits the situation. On the other hand it gives me some trouble because I have to think about what’s on the outside. I decided the room is on the top-floor of city hall, with a clear blue sky on the outside, and sometimes the occasional treetop. Well.
At least the scene is bright and light. It reminds me of my desire for light the last few months. Going to work in the dark, going home from work in the dark, it was taking it’s toll. Since last week there is some light, and things can only get better! Yay! 😀
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Backgrounds… It’s my nightmare too… Trying to make the scene as realistic as possible, wide shots… Then boom! What’s in the back!!??
Anyway, here comes the mayor, those politicians are great to make things go bad when nobody asked them anything…
Yeah, politicians. It seems that the only thing they care for these days is themselves, it’s more of a popularity contest in stead of them simply running the country.
I thought that was just a french problem LOL