2-053 Demolish the house
A pizza place! I think he’s talking about a pizza place!
Being ignored irritates me instantly
If there is one thing that really irritates me instantly, it is to be ignored! I absolutely hate that. Not being given the simple decency of being listened to. You don’t have to agree, but at least listen to what someone has to say. Ignoring someone with a different opinion is the worse you can do. You might miss out on learning something.
I believe it’s a strong sign of weakness or narcissism if someone is not able to even try to listen to someone else. And sadly there are a lot of these people around, the kind that like to listen to themselves and seem to posses little or no ability to look critically to themselves or listen to feedback.
Ah well… sadly they are everywhere around us, close by and far away, but even the ones far away seem to fill the news almost each and every day.
You don’t have to agree, but simply listen and try and understand each other. Probably too much to ask these days.
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I like that the mayor (?) is getting some resistance from the council. This would be a bit stronger if Blondie got a few more words in so we could understand the nature of her objection. You could still have him ignore her, but we need to hear a bit more from her or the sense of conflict and tension is deflated. Even if she turned to the councilman next to her to say it.
Not a major criticism, just a thought (I’ve spend the last week grading piles of essays, so I’ve been thinking a lot about what increases the effectiveness of one’s point).
On a separate note, we in the US have had a lot of hullabaloo in the last decade or so regarding “eminent domain” (the legal mechanism by which the government can seize someone’s property for some grand project). In recent years there has been a broadening of what kinds of projects are considered acceptable. The British side of the concept is also rather central to the start of the action in Douglas Adams’ “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” Have you ever read the series?
I’ve heard of the series, but haven’t read it. Don’t even know what it’s about actually. I believe there are many fans out there I believe.
Maybe we’ll hear from blondy, the meeting isn’t over yet 😉 (oh and we already saw her at therapy 🙂 )
I think the rules of seizing domain are different in this Lego-city compared to the U.S., I don’t know exactly what these rules are though..
A giant circus! Or an amusement park!
Honestly I don’t get that upset with people ignoring me. I’ll agree with them, a fake smile on my face, and move on… Keeping my thoughts and says to those who cares 😉
I like this set, really luminous.
The problem is that moving on is not an option most of the time… especcialy when decisions are being made that influence you.
“I believe it’s a strong sign of weakness or narcissism if someone is not able to even try to listen to someone else. And sadly there are a lot of these people around, the kind that like to listen to themselves and seem to posses little or no ability to look critically to themselves or listen to feedback.”
Amen! And sadly, one of these types of individuals was just elected to be president of my country … Blech.
Hum…. Let me guess… Doesn’t that apply to every country right now?
Well, we are voting next week for new leaders, hoping to avoid a rightwing clown to be elected here! So I hope I can answer you NO within a couple of weeks.
Writing this, I was thinking about someone else in my (semi-)direct surroundings… But I guess you might have a point here.