2-007 Fear, fool, shame
Poor Dwaas. I hope dr. Fronkenbrick soon comes to his senses and starts acting like the scientist he is. He needs to get back to believing in arguments instead of assuming things that can be easily researched. Oh, and for everybody wondering if a ‘foolish’ monster has feelings; I hope the last panel tells you at least Dwaas has ‘m!
To assume or not to assume
Dr. Fronkenbrick is making some assumptions about Dwaas and about “the yellows”. It looks like Dwaas is going to have a tough “childhood”. Sadly, this experience might influence him for the rest of his live. Especially when his creator/ father keeps repeating his assumptions time after time. Sometimes people are so hardened in their assumptions that they interpret everything in a way the assumption holds. If they bring this reasoning based on assumptions to their kids… kids learn many things from their parents. And kids will internalize these assumptions and can develop a natural reasoning based on assumptions, they didn’t have themselves in the first place. One can only hope that these kids are smart enough to find out the flaws in their own reasoning and will go and find some arguments in order to change their reasoning… but, like with Dwaas, when this reasoning based on assumptions brings these kids self-images down, this might be a very difficult, if not impossible task.
Ok… I think I’m rambling again. I hope the point I’m trying to make comes across. Everybody assumes, it’s unavoidable. But realize you do, and identify these assumptions as good as you can, check them against reality and don’t bring the assumptions to your kid(s)… especially not when these assumptions can undermine kids self-image.
I myself assume that I don’t assume that much (do you see what I did here, haha). But when I do believe something someone better have some pretty good arguments to change my mind. Nevertheless, I am working on finding the assumptions in my live… checking if they really are correct or need to be changed… difficult to do, to say the least.
Are you quick to assume things? Is it easy for you to change your assumptions?
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I think I’m doing better with assumption but sometimes it’s catching up on me. As you pointed out being open-minded to begin with is a great way to prevent them. But sometimes our work/ life experience tend to drag us the wrong way.
That said, I feel like Fronkenbrick is kinda over reacting a bit LOL… Dwaas looking affected about it… Let’s see how this goes!
Yeah, poor Dwaas. Can you imagine seeing a film made at your birth… seeing your father running away yelling “the shame!” about you. 😳
This story arc is so sad. 🙁
Hi Shelly! Welcome to Foolish Lego! 😀
I completely agree. This is basically a sad story-arc for me too. Though there will be a fun story ahead, there is a double layer. 😐
Over the past few years I’ve been making photo’s of a lot of characters and some of them really grew on me. Dwaas is the most important one. I don’t know if you recognize this, but sometimes I feel there is a story behind certain figures in my photo’s. Stories I may not have even thought about.
Every time I worked with Dwaas I felt something sad and in this comic I wanted to explore that feeling. Why is Dwaas the way he is? Is there more than meets the eye to Dwaas?
P.S. I’m working on a way to subscribe by e-mail; the unsubscribe-link of my plugin doesn’t work though, so I’m waiting for support to solve that issue.