2-077 Food is the problem
Does Dwaas have a problem with priorities… or was he in denial?
Behind the scenes
This concludes this scene. Yesterday I shot and processed the new scene. It’s always a relief to fill the buffer a bit. In the beginning I thought I could shoot most of the comic in a couple of sessions, as opposed to the last comic that i created episode by episode (with a bit of a cop-out ending 😉 ). But, this comic takes a LOT more post-processing nowadays, so it’s simply not possible to do the whole comic. I have the red line and and I have a general script of the whole comic. But the details of each scene I write one or two weeks before the shoot. Hopefully, in this way, the story will be consistent, the scenery and look of each panel will be consistent and the ending is already clear, so we have a road to follow and I know were we’re going. Each episode makes sense in that way, and that is a lot more than I can say of the first comic, :).
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If it was me I know I would be in denial. 🙂
I think creativity is a process which often has a steep learning curve. When you’re finished with this comic, who knows where it will lead you.
Thank Shelly, I absolutely agree with you. For me it also has a long (if not continuous) learning curve. I’ve been doing Lego photography for about four years now. Up until now mostly by pressing buttons on my camera and just seeing what happens. Also reading a bit, but reading without experiencing is difficult to me. This year for some strange reason I actually starting to understand how lighting works and loving it! The next step will be simplifying I expect. Looking forward to seeing what the future will bring.
Here’s an interesting question for you: where does your story take place? I think many comic-makers want to make stories that take place in locations they’re familiar with. Mine takes place over 3,000 miles (and 80 years) apart from where I am. Is Dwaas’s house in the Netherlands, or do you have it in mind to set it somewhere else? It seems to take place in the present day.
Brilliant question. The answer however isn’t as brilliant. And I honestly don’t know where it takes place. There are many aspects taken from locations I know, but it’s not based on anyplace I know. I don’t even know how big the city/ town is where Dwaas lives. Something to look into sometimes. When is it based, as far as I think, present day… but I may cheat a little on that 😉
PS – I feel your pain on the processing time. I shot 120 photos today for the next story, and I’ll probably do about as many tomorrow. Then a whole day to format them all as comics and upload them to WordPress. At least then, I’ll be good on updates for the next five months or so.
Your story-arc with Seamus is my favorite up until now. I respect the work you put into your comic, especially the fact you never missed a publication. I know how much work and how stressful that can be sometimes 🙂
I just shot 266 photos over two days, formatted 40 episodes last night, and loaded the entire next story this morning. It will begin next week and run until mid-October. I think it might become your new favorite.
Ballinabricky has a definite time (perpetually 1936) and place (just west of Kilfeacle and northwest of Thomastown, Tipperary). It prompts me to do lots of research, lol. I’m obsessively fastidious with trivial historical details! Keeping a comic free from those kind of details, though, grants one a level of freedom that can be good for the creative juices (which certainly flow through your comic like a torrent).
You’re a machine Ballinabricky! Great stuff anyway, I recommend your work to anyone enjoying good LEGO webcomics.
Hear hear
Creativity has many possible sources. I love the setting of a small town, like Ballinabricky or the webcomic from Courtious, I can’t really explain why, but it always feels like coming home reading stories set in a small town where you feel like you know everyone, and wonder about the strangers. I guess that has something to do with it.
But… It was his croissant…
Well, Dwaas sounds more fatalistic than in denial to me. Let’s see how he will put things into motion…
That’s what I mean; one should not mess with anyone’s food!