2-013 Green is beautiful
Come on! That practically sounds like an open invitation to our favorite green monster.
7.5 weeks into the second comic, episode 13. And yes, I dared publish it! I always wondered about these hotels not having a room or floor 13. Can people really be THAT superstitious? I guess they can, but I’m certainly not one of them. I like black cats, walk underneath ladders, broke mirrors, open umbrella’s inside and plan important things on Friday the 13th.
Then again, thinking about it, I do belief in magical thinking sometimes, fabricating my own personal rituals. For example When I am on call for my work and I need to get to work directly after the working day or at the transition of the dayshift and being on call; it’s going to be a very busy evening/ night. Up until now, that’s always been the case.
Do you have any hardcore strange beliefs or superstitions?
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“I’m not superstitious…but I am a little stitious…” -Michael Scott
Hah! That’s the way to go…
I guess I’m a little superticious because even if I don’t believe in jinx and stuff like that, I do notice “signs”, and even sometimes pay a little attention to it. I think it’s funny actually. Just to see other people reactions LOL.
Good for Dwaas he run into this girl… Life changing encounter here… I may haven’t said it yet but the colors of this set (as much as have been all your comics so far) are just wonderful!
It’s quite the opposite from the black and white bit.