2-041 Looking good
Safety can be a mindset. I know that statement is subject to debate, but in this episode, for Dwaas, the mindset seems to be key!
Plans for Lego toy photography 2017
As you might have noticed it is going quite well regarding daily photo’s on the site this year. I was not and still am not planning to do a 365. At least not as it is supposed to be done, shooting a photo each and every day, so I will probably miss days once in a while or when I’m on vacation. I’ll be honest, I did miss the photography. It helps me bring my mind at ease. Nevertheless, the deadlines of a photo a day were terrible sometimes, and provided me with the occasional stress. Yet, the deadlines also forced me to think and search for ideas, not always resulting in a photo I liked to be honest, but the occasional good one was there, sometimes funny, sometimes the lighting, sometimes the composition and sometimes the whole deal. This year, I will go easy on the deadlines. I’ll try and hold on to them, but I will not stress myself into the daily photography. Also I will focus on learning about lighting and composition this year! Especially the lighting! Not in all photo’s of course, but you get the picture (pun intended 🙂 )
All that is left behind a little is the blog. If you have any ideas for the blog, let me know!
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I think I have an idea for the blog… How about an “interview”… We’ll throw questions at you, you pick a dozen (or how many you like) and try to answer it in a blog post…
I’m siding with Kemi (again). I love the way he gives advice! Stop acting like a jerk Dwaas and listen to your friend… Well, if he is.
Did something happened in the last panel? Kemi’s pant? Lighting or photoshop trouble?
An interview, that’s an interesting idea. Maybe it’s an even better idea to do a series of interviews of other Lego-webcomic creators from the past and present. There a re a few of them out there I’d like to get to know a bit better.
Haha, good catch on the last panel! I remember mentioning this to my wife, but never did anything about it. This is the result of unfortunate placing. Kemi is standing in front of Dwaas’ (very, very ugly) coffee table. If you take a look at the last panel of episode 39 you can see were this problem arises… the otherwise brown table leg has a very white 1×1 component on it. The combination of a semi-translucent Kemi, the round white component on dark surroundings and the shallow depth of field of the table leg brings us this questionable effect you see. Let us say this was not one of my finest comic-moments 😀