2-046 Moldy croissant
January 28, 2017
|By Dwaas
Who doesn’t like croissants? Nobody! right?
Anger and grudges
As already seen in the last episode, it looks like Dwaas was really hurt by some of the remarks Kemi made. Also Dwaas is fast to lash out and is rather mean this episode. I’m sure he knows Kemi didn’t really mean to offend Dwaas in any way. In the end Dwaas finally comes to his senses.
I hope Dwaas doesn’t hold a longer lasting grudge. Seems like Kemi tries to be a good friend.
So are you easily angered? Do you hold a grudge? For me the answers are: sometimes, but less as I get older. A grudge, no, not easily… but when I do, it’ll probably last forever.
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Can’t deny it… Croissants are great. Kemi lost all my respect!
I’m quite patient, at least most people tend to think that about me.
I remember something I read from some magazine about grudges : Do you forgive but never forget? Or do you forget but never forgive?
I’ll put myself in the first category. Rarely happens though.
Congratulations! WordPress tells me this is your 500th comment! 😀
(Oh and I’m definitely in the first category, I never forget!)