2-020 Obsessive cleaner
A psychiatrist with interesting ideas on therapy for her patients.
Cleaning… well, it’s not for me. Of course it has to be done, but I’d rather have someone else does it. Nevertheless, I do clean ( a little bit). But my standards are lower than my wife’s standards, resulting in my wife (sometimes semi-secretly 😆 ) cleaning something again (for example the kitchen after cooking). I don’t mind (of course not)… the house really is cleaner 🙂 Now, don’t think I don’t do anything in and about the house. I mostly do other chores, like ironing.
Do you live in a clean house… and if yes… are you the one that keeps it clean (honestly 🙄 )
In other news
There will be no comic next week. November 1st will be the next one. After I’ll be in Greece for a short vacation. Hopefully, I can keep away from work and read a bit (oh, and finally read a wonderful book containing the Guard-comics! I’m really looking forward to this, but hadn’t found the time before).
One problem… the walking dead season seven starts this weekend… and I can’t see it… and the is a MEGA-cliffhanger that will be resolved… and I can’t avoid the Internet until I can see the episode… that means; I will be spoilered 😥
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I’m in charge of most (if not every) housework at home. My wife always find an excuse not to do them. I’m not into cleaning that much but I like order over mess. My wife just don’t care, so… Maybe I should contact this comic therapist if she could treat couples. Or mabe no… LOL
I see you use the face of the minifig series 16’s hicker… Man this minifig was probably my favorite all time… The bag, the map, the compass and this upper body part… Wow!
About TWD… Just stay away of any screen and you should be fine… Did you watch FTWD’s 2nd season? Much better than the first one.
I made it! I saw the episode without getting spoiled. I had to keep away from the Internet for the week (and I was quite happy to do that, btw)… but I did it. A wow! What an episode it was!
Your wife sounds smart :). I don’t mind doing housework, but I do it when I want to do it… and usually my wife isn’t that patient… 🙄
Before my grandmother was married, she worked at a large department store. People in her department, including the manager, were running a theft ring of sorts, but upper management knew she wasn’t involved. They laid her off, but told her not to get a new job just yet. They couldn’t tell her why, as they weren’t yet ready to move on the other people.
So my grandmother went to the unemployment office. The woman who worked there said she had a job for my grandmother: cleaning her [the unemployment worker’s] house. My grandmother told her that she had a better idea: the woman should stay home and clean her own house, and my grandmother would take her job in the unemployment office. The office worker, needless to say, didn’t go for it.
A couple weeks later, the department store hired my grandmother back and promoted her to manager of her old department. Some time later, she fell in love with one of the other managers and married him. And that’s the short version of how my grandparents met.
This episode reminds me of that story.
Wow! This is a really lovely and touching comment. Thanks for sharing!