2-164 Serious allegations
Barron seems a busy guy, taking care of the mayors’ business.
Building Lego stages
Today I was thinking; ‘Why don’t I like building the stages for my comic?’ I always thought there were multiple reasons. Reasons like, I don’t like building (MOCs), I don’t have the time to build or I am not good in building stages. Yet, today I found out the real reasons. Most of the Lego bricks I own are in the official builds. That means that if I need to build stages for the comic (or even for the toy photography) I am left with a limited selection of relatively boring Lego bricks. I’d like to tear down the Lego builds I have, yet, I am afraid I can’t bring all the bricks together again should I decide to rebuild the official builds.
That brings me to the second (even more important) reason; I don’t have my Lego decently sorted. It is a mess and I can’t find anything, chances are I am looking for pieces I don’t even have available in the general pile of Lego.
First world problems, I know. But for the sake of Foolish Bricks, I’d better get my business in order. But how…
Other posts on Foolish Bricks you don’t want to miss:
- How to create your own Lego brick comic
- The ultimate list of Lego comics on the Internet
- Photography 101; A comprehensive guide to aperture-settings.
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Ha! I love how my comic, your comic, and The Guard all use the same face for the chief of police! There’s just something about that face!
Haha, now that is a funny coincidence. To be honest, I needed the captain pretty fast because I shot this episode in natural light as the sun was setting. Normally I always change faces, this time however, I only checked his uniform. Good catch!
Building… It’s IMO the most exciting and frustrating part. As I use a software to “build” I don’t feel the lack of bricks… I regret the late updates though, but I can build anything… Almost anything. Problem is I’m not always happy about the result LOL. I’m really jealous of what MOC builders can do. I wish I was gifted and do not need to learn technics. That I could capture every tips or hints when I build an expert set. They are full of amazing technics….
I really hope this police officier’s name is Elliot Ness…