2-025 Star Wars dummy
Aha! So the shrink turns out to be kinda okay, can’t fault a Star Wars fan, can’t we! 😉
Star Wars or Star Trek
Star Wars or Star Trek? I like both. Yet I got the most entertainment from Star Trek. I didn’t see much of (the reruns of!) the original series because nobody in my family liked it and we didn’t have anything like a VCR in those days. Later I saw the next generation on the German television (and everybody spoke German), the show was not broadcasted anywhere in English on Dutch television. Even in German I liked it. I still remember how surprised I was to hear the accent of Deanna Troy, and how powerful the original voice of Captain Picard was. I loved the series. Later-on I saw Deep Space 9 and that series really struck home, I got absorbed by that series, fell in love with every character in there, and the (semi-)continuing storylines. I’m still crushed about the fact that there never was a DS9-movie.
Star Wars I liked, but there were only three movies. These days Star Trek is re-imagined in ways I don’t like anymore; too much action, too little in depth character-development. Star Wars is suffering from the same addiction imho, but at least the story keeps you guessing a bit. For now, I have my hopes up for the new Sar Trek series, but I don’t expect too much of it.
Are you a ST or SW-person… or none of the above?
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I’m not really into both of those, but I saw all the Star Wars movies. Not much about Star Trek, I don’t know why but somehow I feel like I won’t like it much. Probably because when I was a kid I used to switch the channel as soon as an new episode was on. LOL
Ah… Darryl… Even in an emotional moment, he can’t be taken seriously… Same old Darryl! LOL
That sounds like my brothers… always changing the channel when Star Trek was about to come on 😛
Poor… naive… Darryl 😆
I didn’t know they were siblings,
I always thought they would be great together.
Ouch. (Although It makes sense now why Amida hated him so much. Sibling rivalry, etc.) 🙂