2-056 Stop talking!
Yeah… I hope this council speaks up! If they don’t do it now, the mayor will say that he brought it in, it was discussed and they agreed if they dare to talk about this again in the future.
Politics of the real world
In my professional live I’m a medical doctor. And in my personal life I am not really into politics and municipal rules. I usually only learn about these rules when they concern me and I am not respecting them for some reason. Especially concerning the more obscure rules this is a point of concern.
Even though there is a lot of creative freedom in the comic I do try to make it somewhat realistic. And writing this I realize this is mostly true concerning emotions and reactions to each other. Concerning rules and regulations I just don’t know what I’m doing haha. Furthermore, if a certain regulation is true for the Netherlands, it might not be true for any other country were this comic is read. Let’s just assume this Lego world has its own special set of rules. And, to be honest, I suspect the mayor himself might have a rule or two himself that the rest of this Lego-city is not aware of 😉 .
Here in the Netherlands the council is chosen by the people and the council choses the Mayor, by the way. I’m pretty sure this mayor has been chosen by the people, I can’t imagine the council having chosen him! Can you?
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Down here we vote for the mayor, well for the entire council as well as it’s a full list.
I say “we” but I stopped voting years ago, politics lost my trust so I don’t know why I should play their game with rules they don’t respect themselves. I like to think I’m a good citizen though.
We, the people, deserve better than what we have, democracy as been corrupted. I’d love a new alternative, even if I have no idea of what it should look like (scandinavian democracies?).
Not sure this comic mayor is the answer though LOL.
I hear you on the not trusting politics part.
Coincidentally i was talking with a friend about this yesterday and said the same thing. The way this government works with all these parties should be different… but I have no idea of how to improve it.
I think we’re screwed… LOL