2-062 Talk to the fixer
Looks like our secret agent had a change of career. Maybe?
About work and following your heart
I wonder how many people are really, really absolutely, 100% happy with their work and/ or career? About the ones that aren’t happy; I wonder how many of them would actually (try to) change jobs, or just quit and see what happens. I really have no idea, but look up to people that do. People who follow their heart. Too often we are attached to our job for the wrong reasons (and I’ll leave the definition of “wrong” alone at this moment). Many people fear change, uncertainty, the unknown. Probably for specific reasons. And I think many of these people feel imprisoned by their life, their job…
Well, at least I’m not talking about agent zero, zero, zero! As I said, it looks like he changed job. On the other hand… maybe he’s still agent zero, zero, zero; simply loving the job!
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Well looks like someone is going to be promoted… Good for him! Hum maybe…
About life and jobs… I never considered my job(s) a way of self-fulfillment but as I’m getting paid I’ll do it professionally. Obviously if I didn’t care about money and stuff, I’d not work. Well at least not the way 80% of the people in occident do (I feel bad I had to make this point but we are the lucky ones aren’t we?).
I recently quit my job because I thought I couldn’t do it anymore. I quit for a much less paid job, with more working hours, but I feel better than I did in the previous one. Some people told me I was courageous… Some were scared for me… Some said I was selfish… Some were envious…
As a conclusion I’ll quote one the most famous french humorist, “Everyday TV says 3 millions of people are looking for a job, that’s not true. Money will be enough for them” – Coluche. 40 years from now what he said in many occasion is still topical (Well the 3 millions became 6… Sad…).
EDIT : 40 years ago