1-135 We could be heroes
Well, that rescue went bad…. fast.
Women issues
The last episode I had to upload so fast that I even lacked the time to put some text underneath the episode.
On twitter my friend Shelly (@stuckinplastic) mentioned recently that there was only one woman in my comic. That really surprised me! It was not intentional but it is funny to me that I only chose men in all the main and supporting roles. Exactly at that time I was thinking about adding another woman to the cast… and here she is… the damsel in distress about to be saved by… a well… lest just see how this goes on. If Darryl is her only hope of survival chances are we’ll be back to Amida as the only woman in the comic 😉 .
Shelly btw runs a fantastic Lego photography / art site! stuckinplastic.com You really should check it out when you find the time.
I guess it remains to be seen who rescues who here. 😀
There are quite a few options indeed 🙂
Good luck with that monster Darryl…