Enough bickering for everyone. I they would’ve listened, they would have known who’s in their midst. Funny thing is that Darryl only knows Dwaas with a mask on (in the therapy sessions), and now Dwaas without mask doesn’t recognise Daryl because Darryl is wearing a mask.
This week I did some extra experimenting with the text balloons. Normally, I’m always trying to get the dialogue in such a way that the character on the left in the panel speaks first. However, that isn’t necessary. Especially in panel 4 this week, you can really experience the flow. First Barry speaks, then Strabo, Barry again, Willy, Darryl (and then completely out of the flow Dwaas mumbles a few hurt words).
In other news
Sorry, I missed two weeks. First off, work was very busy. But secondly, I had some work done in my basement (where my studio is). Contractor did a smalle renovation, with a lot of dust, so I had to remove most of my stuff out of the basement and everything that remained was packed in large sheets of plastic. Consequently, I had no room to work. I still have some work to do, but at least I can start shooting comic-episodes again.
Also, I’ll be on vacation to Greece, however, there won’t be an hiatus for the comic the upcoming two weeks! 😀
The red orb
August 13, 2020
Lego comic panel remake – The old antique shop
January 12, 2019
Lighting a scene; white-balance part 1
February 22, 2018
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Dwaas is finally getting the “don’t mind me” treatment he wanted so much on Earth… Never happy…
It’s probably the opposite. He’d like to be noticed, but is afraid to be seen as a monster on Brickearth