Who doesn’t love dinosaurs, dragons and killer elf-like creatures!
Lock and key
I saw the series Lock and key on Netflix recently. It was amusing, yet far from the best series I ever saw. However, I mention this because it turns out the series is based of a graphic novel! The story was written by Stephen Kings son and the graphic novel is much… much better than the series (and more horrifying btw). Besides the story and pacing, I love the way the text-balloons were placed! Very insightful and creative. The flow of many pages is very intriguing. But as I said, even if you’re simply looking for a good mystery/ thriller graphic novel with a few horror elements, I’d recommend this one highly!
willies walk
August 28, 2020
Rejected Lego photos – part 1
September 24, 2018
Aperture in Lego photography | Tips & tricks
February 16, 2022
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Maybe, I’ll stay away form that suddenly evil looking creature… You know just in case… Amazing deep forest setup BTW…
Thanks! You’d be amazed at how small most of my builds still are. this forrest is build on a standard 32×32 baseplate.