About Foolish Bricks
March 15, 2013
Original: March 15, 2013 Latest: February 05, 2022
Foolishbricks.com is my little corner on the world wide web where I try to make my fantasy come alive. During most of my days (and usually evenings, and some nights) I work as a medical specialist in Maastricht. In my spare time, I enjoy being a storyteller through Lego-photography.
Ever since I was a kid, storytelling in many forms (like comics, books and movies) attracted me immensely. And like many kids, I loved playing with Lego bricks, bringing my stories to life, mostly together with my brothers. Even back then, I had the ambition to be a comic-creator, but as it turned out; I couldn’t draw even if my life depended on it.
Then I grew older. Fantasyworlds got lost, reality kicked in.
Lego photography
Until one day, I discovered the site of Dan of Action, who was doing a 365-project shooting daily Lego-photos. At that moment, I realized; I don’t need to draw to create comics! A plan was born.
However, first I had to learn how to take a decent photo. Until then, I only took photos in full automatic mode and had no idea what all these other buttons and switches on a photo-camera could do.
I founded this website – together with Dwaas (my online alter(L)ego)) way back in 2013. At first, to learn myself Lego-photography through a 730-project. During these two years, I created a daily Lego brick photo. Wherever I traveled, I brought my Lego minifigures and bricks with me to capture that Lego shot each and every day. From the beaches of Miami, to the mountains of Nepal, to the shores of Turkey and Greece, the city of New York (but mostly at home), my Lego minifigures and cameras were always with me.
Lego Comic
When I finally got the hang of the basics, I longed to learn about telling longer stories. So, on August 13th 2013 I started the Foolish Bricks Comic. At this moment, we are well into season 3 of the comic.
The next step is me trying to teach what I learned over the years about storytelling through Lego photography, whilst still continuously learning myself. If you’d like to read more about how this site came to be, you can find more information in the blog post: “origins”.
I do not know what the future will bring. However, I hope to continue with Foolish Bricks for a long, long time. And it would be less fun without you all. So, thank you for visiting Foolish Bricks!
Hi Dwaas!
Nice new website! Nice design. I like it!
Thank you! And now a lot of the refurbishing here is done we can spend some time together again 😛
Hi Dwaas!
Being a huge Lego fan myself (I have a small business making jewellery from it), I’m often sent links to all things Lego related.
Love your site, the photo’s are brilliant! Keep up the good work!
i started to use lego figures for models a couple of weeks ago, i really love your work. it has inspired me as a photographer as well. you should check out my work sometime 🙂
Nice remale to your about section.
Didnt know you were medical specialist! After this course I hope to go to the univeristy to do medicine :).
And didn´t know either you travelled from Nepal to Miami… Wow, Dwaas has been everywhere!
Keep up with the project for many years!
Love this! I myself am putting my love for LEGO and photography. If you have the time, take a look at my work at either http://www.farhanishak.com or LEGOstories on Facebook. 🙂 Cheers and keep them LEGO comics coming!
Ha! Wat een geweldige website! Zit hier echt te genieten. De fotografie is indrukwekkend hoor. En wat een werk….
Gr, Suzanne
Thanks for giving me the idea of starting such photo series myself!
Just that I have to get the resources but as you said, who knows what time brings?
Thank you; good luck with your photography!
Hey nog een nederlander in de webcomic communtiy! Gaaf! 🙂
Yes, I believe the Dutch are very well represented in the amount of webcomics. 🙂
Do you have any idea how to reach author status in the BCN? thanks!
Mooie site, goede kleurstelling en design ! Compliment.
Knappe foto’s
Leuke hobby 🙂
Dank je Rene! Het houdt me van de straat zoals ze hier in Nederland zeggen. 😉
Great site and great comic!
And I just relized you are a Pentaxian, too 🙂
Like it!
Thank you and welcome to Foolish Bricks.
Not many Pentaxians around in the Western world it seems, everyone I know irl is mostly on Nikon or Canon. Great to hear from a fellow Pentax user 😀