A bit of information on the cast of the Foolish Bricks Comics.
Beware of spoilers though! I can not completely avoid those!
Last updated: August 8th 2022
Queen of the Sylvae (forrestpeople) on Eno. She lost her mother at a young age by the hand of Venator and was subsequently raised by her grandmother. Her father and brother (Trebax), were lost for years after this incident. Many years later, she discovered they were still alive during the search for the Dragon. It is rumoured she possesses some kind of mind controlling power.
First appearance: S 1; Ep 1
As the trusted fixer of the Mayor, he stops at close-to nothing to achieve his goals. He is a member of the city-council of Brickcity.
First appearance: S 2; Ep 50
Barry/ Trebax
After finding a mysterious document in his attic, Barry gets caught involved in the search for the Dragon. As is turns out Barry, by the name of Trebax, was born on Eno and is Amida’s sister. He lost his mother by the hand of Venator when he was still a baby. His father, mistakenly presuming his daughter died too in the attack, took him and fled to Brick-earth where he raised him.
In the third season we learn that he ended up on Eno, and is the owner of the happy dragon inn.
First appearance: S 1; Ep 1
Bree Similini
As a council-member of Brick-city she often finds herself at ends with the Mayor. Furthermore, a close friend to Dawn. She’s in therapy for a phone-addiction and knows Darryl and Dwaas from the mixed therapy-sessions.
First appearance: S 2; Ep 50
Dr. Culus
A rather excentric psychiatrist, who only likes the most prestigious cases.
First appearance: S 3; Ep 16
Mr. Dark / “The dark knight”
A male vampire, husband to Mrs. Dark, who can’t live (well… be undead I guess) without each other, but certainly can’t live peacefully with each other either.
First appearance: S 3; Ep 29
Mrs. Dark
A female vampire and wife to Mr. Dark who can’t live (well… be undead I guess) without each other, but certainly can’t live peacefully with each other either. If you value your life, it’s probably best to avoid her.
First appearance: S 3; Ep 30
Darryl/ Bardu
A lonely man on Brick-earth who, via Barry, gets involved in the search of the Dragon. As it turns out Darryl, by the name of Bardu, was born on Eno. When he was still a baby, he lost his mother by the hand of Venator. His father took him and fled, accompanied by Barry’s father and his son, to Brick-earth where he raised him. Lastly, he knows Dwaas via therapy.
First appearance: S 1; Ep 1
Florist and owner of a flower-shop in Brick-city. A dear friend to Bree and the secret love-interest of Dwaas. She is the owner of the fabled ‘Anthophyta Chamaeleonidae’ flower.
First appearance: S 2; Ep 8
The Dragon/ Dominus
The mythical dragon is an almighty (religious) being of the world of Eno. Its faith bound to the world itself.
First appearance: S 1; Ep 230
A secluded monster, ashamed of his looks and always in search of approval from his disappointed father Dr. Fronkenbrick by whom he was raised from the dead. Years later Dr. Fronkenbrick mysteriously disappeared in the basement, feeding Dwaas’ feelings of shame and loneliness. He goes to therapy and is a member of the same group as Bree and Darryl.
He lives his life in his beloved house which is haunted by his only ‘real’ friend Kemi. Lastly, he has a secret crush on Dawn.
First appearance: S 2; Ep 2
Regular at Barry’s Happy Dragon Inn. Always looking for the latest gossip and discussions. Ecclas‘ friend.
First appearance: S 3; Ep 50
Regular at Barry’s Happy Dragon Inn. Always looking for a drink. These days he hears a voice out of nowhere talking to him…. so maybe it’s time to stop drinking. Ebracious‘ friend.
First appearance: S 3; Ep 50
A con-artist on Eno, usually works together with her partner in crime Exiguus.
First appearance: S 1; Ep 135
Francis is an inhabitant of Brick-city. He is a lover of many substances that broadens his mind, and – unfortunately- he doesn’t treat his body and mind very well.
First appearance: S 2; Ep 171
A man of science who raised Dwaas from te dead and was dissatisfied with the result. A few years later he mysteriously disappeared.
First appearance: S 2; Ep 1
A ghost and companion and friend to Dwaas, living in his house. He is bound to the house and can’t leave.
First appearance: S 2; Ep 33
The Mayor
The ruthless mayor of Brick-city. He gets what he wants by whatever means he deems necessary. He doesn’t even shun blackmailing and intimidating his council. Barron works as his fixer.
First appearance: S 2; Ep 50
A mysterious creature from Eno of which the origins are unclear. He seems to have some relation to Willy.
First appearance: S 1; Ep 13
The ranger
An unknown wanderer in the woods with a mysterious mission. Always accompanied by is trusted skunk, Putor.
First appearance: S 3; Ep 23
An evil demon constantly in search for more power. Seeking to destroy the Dragon and everything that interferes with his plans and whims.
First appearance: S 1; Ep 51
The owner of an antique shop ‘Paleos antiques’. If it’s old, he’ll take a look at it! Inhabitant of both Brick-earth and Eno. He is a so-called Delflock, a connector, with the power to bring people into the memories of others.
First appearance: S 1; Ep 5
A fighter and double-agent loyal to Amida. There is one rule; Do NOT touch his hammer, ‘Hammie’, without his permission!
First appearance: S 1; Ep 64
Willy/ Iudicus
Iudicus, also called, Willy the one-eyed wizard. A powerful mage with a sense of humor that is somewhat of an acquired taste.