Poor little rich guy

Day 105 - Poor little rich guy

Poor little rich guy

This little guy is so poor... all he has is money.

And you can enrich yourself because HERE’s the latest episode of the Foolish Lego webcomic! Number 71! lego photography


Day 104 - And suddenly... you're an adult


I can't remember when it happened. Suddenly we have to deal with taxes, jobs, bosses, being a leader, kids. Suddenly you have some money to spend and you have to be very responsible about it and not only about your money, but about everything around you. Suddenly the students or other people are saying sir to you and when you look in the mirror you see gray hairs. Suddenly your daughter seems much older than you thought and you became your own parents.  Suddenly you see other people from your own birth year +15 and realize these are not children anymore... And suddenly you hear yourself saying: 'when I was younger...'. I could go on for a long time like this. But I'm really amazed by how sneaky time past by and how slowly I became an adult and how suddenly I realized I really aren't a kid anymore.

Lego is one of these things that keep me young and anything that helps keep me young at mind, is alright in my book.

And my comic is growing up too. Already at episode 71; HERE’s a brand new episode of the Foolish Lego webcomic!

Dare to be different

Day 103 - Dare to be different

Dare to be different

“They laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at them because they're all the same.”

Ow and HERE’s the latest episode of the Foolish Lego webcomic! Number 70! lego photography

Unfortunate training

Day 102 - Unfortunate training

Unfortunate training

My wife was supposed to run the marathon of Rotterdam today. Unfortunately she sprained her ankle last week during a morning training run in the forest. So that was the end of this plan. (i'm so happy she always brings some band aid on her runs as you can see in the picture ;) ) We already planned the weekend so we are still here in Rotterdam. The port is very cool and all in all it's a good city to visit even of you can't run the marathon. Oh and you might be interested to hear that she's a lot more happy now than she looks in the picture.

Ow and HERE’s the latest episode of the Foolish Lego webcomic! Number 70! :)

Drinking problem

Day 101 - Drinking problem

Drinking problem

Francis is really starting to realize that liquor is getting him into trouble each and every time he comes near it..

But I have no problem presenting you this; HERE’s a brand new episode of the Foolish Lego webcomic! Number 70!

Always take a banana to a party

Day 100 - Always take a banana to a party.

Always take a banana to a party

Let's get this primate-party started!

100 days into the second consecutive Lego 365-project. And STILL I'm having fun with it. And more and more people seem to be having fun with it too. You are not a very talkative bunch, but I know you're visiting and I thank you all for it. :)

And with 69 episodes still 31 short of 100... HERE’s the latest episode of the Foolish Lego webcomic!

The climbing of mount stench

Day 99 - The climbing of Mount Stench...

The climbing of mount stench

...was more hazardous than she imagined!

Ow, and HERE’s the latest episode of the Foolish Lego webcomic! Number 69!

Feeling out of place

Day 98 - An Orc's nightmare...

Feeling out of place

Oguk the Orc absolutely hates pretty little flowers... so he was happy to awaken from this particular dream

And HERE’s the latest episode of the Foolish Lego webcomic! Number 69!

A joyous day

Day 97 - A joyous day

A joyous day

Today is a joyous day! Last week I wrote that my little brother would undergo cardiac, but it was postponed. Yesterday my 'little' brother finally had an aortic valve replacement... Everything went as planned and he is well. I am happy. And when Dwaas and Barry heard about it... they proposed a toast: on good health and happy lives! :)

And without further ado, HERE’s a brand new episode of the Foolish Lego webcomic! Number 69!

Love you, my sugar

Day 96 - I love you, my sugar...

Love you, my sugar

Ow... and HERE’s the latest episode of the Foolish Lego webcomic! Number 68! lego photography