18 - Deep down inside, we are all....
... yellow!
Wait, that didn't come out quite right. Ah well, you know what I mean, don't you?
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- Lego photography: One-eyed Willy
- Camera angles for Lego comics - a guide
- The latest episode of the Foolish Lego Comic
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17 - Emo-boy
Emo-boy loved being alone, singing songs from his favorite band (that nobody knows) about how the world misunderstood him, his intellect and his art.
16 - A foolish breakfast
To Dwaas there's nothing better than a moldy, old croissant in the morning.
At least he eats something. On workdays I mostly 'forget' breakfast. Are you someone that always finds time to eat breakfast no matter what?
15 - Where do you go to my lovely
"But where do you go to my lovely
When you're alone in your bed
Tell me the thoughts that surround you
I want to look inside your head"
Well... He CAN look inside here head. Sometimes these minifigs have it easier than us humans. On the other hand, would you like to know all that is going on in someone else's head?
14 - Upside down
Suddenly Eloy had a wonderful thought. Actually it was so wonderful, it caused his world to turn upside down. As he saw the ground change places with the clouds in the air, it scared him. In that instance he noticed no-one else's world had changed. He wondered why a wonderful thought would scare him... and how high he would fall if he let go of all the he was holding on to.
B.t.w. I got the idea from this photo from watching the intro to the 'outcast' television series. I love that intro! It is so strange, disorienting and surreal. Have you seen it?
13 - Right time, wrong place!
I guess he's lucky this is not one of those places that are ALWAYS the 'wrong place' to be.
11 - "The I-love-bananas-club"
As you can see, there are some risks involved being a member of the I-love-bananas-club. But what else can they do... they hate apples!
As a side-note: the one on the bench really needs to go back to his physician. His bandages look a mess!
10 - I took the dog for a walk. I mean... he took me!
Max the dog is at it again! The puppy my parents bought two years ago is not a puppy anymore. He's grown... a lot! And he's still very, ehm, playful. ;)