The end

Day 365 - The end

The end

So here it is. The circle is round. We (the 'cast' of Foolish Lego) started with a toast and so it will end, and all the main characters of the past year joined in this time (give or take a few).

It was a ride this year. Not always easy I must say. It turned out quiet the challenge to get a photo each and every day! Especially when I was out of the country (the customs-officers looked kinda strange every time I went passed them with a big bag of Lego minifigs). But all in all, looking back it was such a fun year and such a great project to do.

I'd like to thank my love for her enthusiasm and criticism.... and letting me make a mess with Lego... all over our house... all year long... for the sake of Lego-art :)  I'd also like to thank my little mouse (my daughter of seven years old already) for all the ideas, incredible fun, interest and playing together with me (in order to get new ideas of course ;) ) And of course I'd like to thank you all for following this project and all the wonderful comments, suggestions and support (on twitter, e-mail, irl, etc... ).

And now... well, now I'm going to take a (very) small break from the Lego photography. I won't stop though, so check back here from time to time for new (not daily) photo's. I won't take a break from the comic! I will even be putting more time and energy in the comic so there still will be new episodes every Tuesday and Saturday, be sure to follow (Oh and episode 41 has just been published today)

I'm also thinking about how I can improve and maybe expand this site, so any suggestions are welcome!
For now I'd like to wish you all an amazing new year and I hope to see you back here next year. Cheers!

In the homestretch

Day 364 - In the homestretch

In the homestretch

The end of this project is in sight for Dwaas and Barry... They are en route to the final photoshoot. :)

Don't forget to check out episode 40 of Foolish Lego the web-comic! HERE  it is. :)

Jake and the cucumber

Day 363 - Jake and the giant cucumber

Jake and the cucumber

Jake always wanted to know what a cucumber looked like from the inside. So far it was pretty disappointing.

Oh, and before I forget; HERE ’s an episode of Foolish Lego the web-comic! Number 40!

Help in the kitchen

Day 362 - A little help in the kitchen...

Help in the kitchen

and a lot of fun...

Oh, and before I forget; HERE ’s a BRAND NEW episode of Foolish Lego the web-comic! Number 40!

Then the music stopped, a sad lego clown on piano

Day 361 - When the music stops

Then the music stopped, a sad lego clown on piano

... Thinking about the people in this world who, in one way or another, are less fortunate than us...

Other posts on Foolish Bricks that might interest you:

The final house

Day 360 - The final house...

The last house

It's a long standing tradition for Santa and a few Elfs to have a little party each year... on the roof of the final house they deliver presents to.

Now what is this? Aha! HERE’s the latest episode of Foolish Lego the web-comic! Number 39!

Merry Christmas everybody!

Day 359 - Merry Christmas everybody!

Merry Christmas everybody!

Best wishes from me and the main cast of Foolish Lego :)

Now what is this? Aha! HERE’s the latest episode of Foolish Lego the web-comic! Number 39!

I'm waiting on a white christmas

Day 358 - I'm waiting for a white Christmas

I'm waiting on a white christmas

.... and dreaming of it too....

Oh, and before I forget; HERE ’s a BRAND NEW episode of Foolish Lego the web-comic! Number 39!

Hoping to be dreaming

Day 357 - Hoping to be dreaming

Hoping to be dreaming

That morning Edmund was hoping he was still in his bed, dreaming the same nightmare he's been having the last few months...

Now look at this! HERE’s the latest episode of Foolish Lego the web-comic! Number 38!

To the toystore

Day 356 - To the toy store...

To the toystore

The happy memories of going to the toy store with your grandparents :D

Now look at this! HERE’s the latest episode of Foolish Lego the web-comic! Number 38!