2-071 Fairly new book
Looks like Kemi can do voices too. He’s a ghost of all trades.
Who is alive, and who is not?
What is Dwaas? He was created and not born. So; is he alive? Does he have rights?
I never gave it a thought until yesterday. Yesterday my wife and I started watching a new series (new to us 😉 ); ‘WestWorld’. There are still many mysteries to uncover, and it seems like more are added each episode. Yet, the most interesting question has not been asked yet, but is implied; what is a living being? Should these androids have some kind of rights? (We’re currently watching episode three, so no spoilers please.) I still remember one or two episodes from Star Trek the Next Generation were Data was in court and the key question was if he had the same rights as ‘other’ living beings (I won’t spoil, it’s a good episode).
So, now I’m thinking. Is Dwaas right to be so scared? He is created, so is he anything different from an android? Does he have rights?
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Woot! I nailed this one! Kemi is gonna scare them to death!
This debate between living beings and animated things will go on forever… IMHO, I just think that human beings (well some of them) get really excited at playing Gods, they just want to create something that can live, feel so they can say they created life from scratches.
Not saying it’s good or bad, right or wrong… Well I just hope we don’t find out actually LOL. Let’s keep it fiction (I know it won’t)
Oh I agree. But my question reaches beyond the creation of life. Once a ‘living’ being has been created… does this being have rights? Or can ‘humans’ do whatever they want to it? Looking at WestWorld, this question keeps going through my mind. I’m also reminded of I-robot and Blade-runner. It’s an interesting question and there is no right or wrong answer I guess, it will always be up for debate. But one can have an opinion.
And you’re right! You nailed it with Kimmie! Yahoe! 😀
IMHO, “you” (as in “everybody”) should respect anybody and anything. Animated or not. Alive or not.
I wish more people shared your ‘humble’ opinion.