Day 19 – Guard duty…

Guard duty

Last night these two had a big party at the elven tavern… so they weren’t as perceptive as usual…

Ever since I started the 365 last year I somehow started to look at the world around me differently, macroscopically really. Besides the big picture of course I started seeing the beauty of very small scene’s, and by looking at them from the perspective of a Lego minifig the little scene’s get a very different meaning, a small hole in the wall becomes a cave, a little branch with some small leaves becomes a giant tree… Small textures I never noticed before now show their picturesque beauty. The world around you gets a different perspective and it’s a whole new way of escaping from daily life into the beauty of the small minifig world.

This specific little place I saw on new years day when walking in the forest, it stayed in my mind and today I had the time at the right moment of the day to return with my camera, minifigs and an idea for the location. So here you go, look around you with these ideas in your mind, from a different perspective and you wont be disappointed… 🙂

And before I forget, if you like to see the latest episode of Foolish Lego the web-comic; HERE  it is. Number 46!

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