Day 46 – Who are you?

Who are you

When you look in the mirror… who do you see?

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Today’s photo may not make a lot of sense to a lot of you. If it doesn’t you should go and see the Lego Movie. I saw it yesterday and it was absolutely amazing! I took my daughter and my (non-AFOL) love. We all loved the movie for our own reasons. My daughter came home and totally threw herself at the Lego (and was suddenly very, very careful with the minifigures, ha ha). Don’t think of it as just another children’s movie. I can’t say too much without possible spoilers, but the movie even made me think about some parts of my self. So, it’s fun, entertaining, action-packed and all in all amazing! (and I am not the only one with this opinion). Go see it! And if you already did see it; what did you think of it?

And HERE’s episode 54 of Foolish Lego the web-comic! [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]