Being entertained is mostly not completely free… certainly not in the forests of Eno.
The next episode will be posted this upcoming Sunday!
Welcome back!
It took some time, but Foolish Bricks is finally back! Amongst other things, we completely restyled the site, logo, and feel of Foolish Bricks. There are updated blog posts, and a new one on “guiding the viewers’ eye”. More articles are in the works. Most of the articles in the blog-tutorial-section have been updated, including extensive infographs on many topics.
In my time away at Brickcentral, I finally found out what exactly I like about Lego photography: it’s storytelling. So, from now on, this site will focus on storytelling through Lego photography in all its aspects. I’ll focus on the comic and teaching. The photography will still be here, but at a low profile. Another focus change is that I will feature more members in the cast instead of Dwaas alone. Don’t worry though, Dwaas is still the man in charge around here.
Let me know if you like what you see and if there are any problems. As always, thanks for sticking round!
willies walk
August 28, 2020
Behind the scenes: “Hope”
September 1, 2018
The premise of your story
June 14, 2018
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I have to say I absolutly love the new design. Especially the brand new logo. It looks amazing! Love it! Awesome work, I expected nothing less from you.
I’m glad to read you found your “true way” to entertain us and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!
Long live Foolish Bricks! Long live Dwaas!
Hah! Thank you my friend! I totally appreciate your support!
The very first time I saw that logo, I was in love with it too! It’s playful, fun, not related to Lego and totally related to my man Dwaas.
It was good to finally find my focus for this site! However, the main job is entertaining you all, and that is what the comic is about.
Thanks again! Long live you ! 🥳😁