Season 01

Foolish Lego Comic; Season one; an original story about Barry and Darryl who -after finding a mysterious map- are transported to the world of Eno. They get dragged into a centuries old battle between the Dragon God and the evil sorcerer Scondite upon which the survival of Eno depends.

lego brick comic - the man tells his name to Darryl; Iudicus/ Willy

1-96 Iudicus

lego brick comic - Willy tries to explain to Darryl what is going on. Darryl only seems interested in Amida's relationship status

1-97 Do you know

lego brick comic - Willy explains what items are necessary to get to the dragon (Dominus)

1-98 Feeling okay?

lego brick comic - Willy wants Darryl to bring Barry and Amida to him

1-99 An assignment

lego brick comic - Strabo finds a rat in the attic, and Scondite is hiding

1-102 Rat!

lego brick comic - Strabo is wondering who the stranger actually is

1-105 Who am I ?

lego brick comic - Scondite asks Strabo for the exact whereabouts of the cane and reads his mind

1-107 I like you old man